moving your body

Simple Self-Care: Moving Your Body

Here is a self-care tip that is quick, easy and free… move your body. Yes, by simply moving your body you are practicing self-care! I know this sounds too good or easy to be true, but it is.

Try this! Stand up and give me a little shimmy. For real, DO A LITTLE SHIMMY with me right now for the count of 10.

What is a shimmy?

A shimmy is a dance move in which the body is held still, except for the shoulders, which are quickly alternated back and forth. When the right shoulder goes back, the left one comes forward. It may help to hold the arms out slightly bent at the elbow, and when the shoulders are moved, keep the hands in the same position.*

Now think about how you felt during and after the shimmy. Did you laugh? Feel a little lighter? Have a little more energy? Roll your eyes and think this is ridiculous? The simple act of moving from a sitting to a standing position allows 10-15% more blood to flow to your brain. When you add the shimmy, you are forcing your brain to balance and coordinate your movement. Throw in a dash of fun and you are swimming in self-care.

Now you can shimmy everyday, or just commit to some sort of movement. You can:

  • Walk/Run
  • Dance
  • Play with the kids
  • Go to the gym
  • Yoga
  • Park the car further away
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Anything that causes your body to move!


The goal is just to move and get your blood flowing.

If you want to read some really interesting research behind the cognitive and emotional benefits of movement, click here!

*For shimmy instructions, click here.

Sending love and well wishes!