cave ladder

Cultivating an Environment of Hope

Hope is bringing an optimist view to a situation and internally knowing things WILL work out. Hope is at the center of resiliency, allowing people to be able to bounce back and thrive in life.

Having hope can be extremely difficult at times, and it is imperative in order for us to make it through those times that seem to be the hardest. Hope enables us to see light and opportunity when we feel like we are in the darkest, most challenging places in our life. Hope is fire that will motivate us to do what we need to do to get through each day, and know tomorrow is a new day full of possibilities.

Hope has gotten me through many extremely challenging times in my life. It has gotten me from grieving a miscarriage to delivering a healthy baby. Hope has also gotten me through the loss of a job that was my life to starting a new career and re-evaluating my priorities.

Below is a quick list of ways to cultivate an environment of hope. I do each of them and I know you can too!

  • Surround yourself with people who encourage and build you up.
  • Use positive self-talk, especially when you start to hear your inner voice have doubt.
  • Physically move your body – dance, yoga, go for a walk/run, stretch. Brains work better when blood is flowing to it.
  • Figure something out! Put together a puzzle, complete a DIY project, build or create something. Solving one problem helps your brain be better equipped to solve another.
  • Do something in a different way to stimulate your brain to think about your situation in a different way. (Examples: Take a new way home, make a new recipe, or sit in a different spot).
  • Practice gratitude! Click here for some ideas.
  • Visualize yourself in a better place, listen to motivating music, read inspirational quotes, and look at intriguing photography.
  • Pray for strength and guidance.
  • Practice self-care at least once a day.